Today I present three very different crochet textures in the SAME. EXACT. YARN. View image full size.
These projects span about seven years. The particular hand dyed yarn is Misti Alpaca Hand Paint Sock.
The 2016 design on the right was such a different experience of this yarn that it felt like a new purchase from the yarn shop. I had crocheted a whole shawl with the same yarn, though, seven years ago.
I thought it was just me. When I showed the two projects in a Stitch Games class yesterday, others were also noticeably surprised that it’s the same yarn.
Hope you’ve had a great weekend! If you don’t see a new blog post from me tomorrow, it will only be because we lost power due to the tropical storm in the Gulf of Mexico. It hits sometime tonight or in the early morning.
I taught a small, intimate two-hour crochet class in my favorite Sarasota yarn shop today. It was a test of a few ideas I have for next month’s Stitch Games class in Charleston.
A few days ago I imagined using the popcorn stitch to show one way to group colors of a bold variegated yarn. I’m glad I crocheted a swatch in time for this class. It was perfect. I think I’ll turn it into a summer handbag.
Some of the students were surprised that you could get the look of alternating two or more yarns with just one yarn. I hadn’t thought of this advantage, but it’s true. Sometimes, alternating different strands of yarn in a project interrupts the crochet flow, so that’s why this is an advantage. It’s nice to have this built in option with just one ball of yarn, if you know how to do planned pooling.
Color Stacking 101
Simple rows of double crochets (UK: trebles).
Susie, a student in today’s class, crocheted this swatch. It’s color-stacked double crochet. Susie is actually the resident crochet teacher for the shop! Isn’t it beautiful?
You can use a taller crochet stitch like the double crochet (dc) if each color in a variegated yarn is long enough. In this swatch, the yellow is barely long enough for one full dc, but it looks cool the way it shades into the green, doesn’t it?
For the handbag I used half doubles (hdc or UK: htr) for the aqua, and dc for the peachy popcorns.
The yarn I wanted to use for the Jempool Scarf pattern had shorter colors, so I used (soft, loose, stretchy) slip stitches. You can see another color-stacked slip stitch project at the top of this page.
I’ve tested many CGOA crochet class topics at A Good Yarn over the years, and a subtropical theme always seems to work well 🙂 The handbag looks just like Florida peaches against the Florida sky.
Here’s everything there is to know about Vashti’s crochet classes in 2016. (Who’s Vashti, though? Is she a good teacher? See what others say–scroll down.)
Stitch Games for Multicolored Yarns: Click here for its resource page of links. Click here for the CGOA description.
Steek (Cut) Tunisian Lace for Fun Fast Fashions: Click here for its resource page of links. Click here for the CGOA description.
The Starwirbel Way, How to Shape Spiraling Star Stitch Lace: Click here for its resource page of links. Click here for the CGOA description.
Tunisian Eyelet Meshes 101: Click here for its resource page of links. Click here for the CGOA description.
21st Century Love Knot Meshes: Click here for its resource page of links. Click here for the CGOA description.
Have a look at the new “Vashti’s Crochet Classes”Pinterest board.
What are Vashti’s Crochet Classes Like?
These classes consistently sell out! Read what lots of students have said about them here. For example:
Not only is Vashti very knowledgeable but her very fun and friendly character adds so much to the class and inspiration.
I have learned more than I ever imagined possible in 3 hours. Vashti is an amazing teacher, so generous and very, very talented in the teaching department. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Vashti is very calm and that makes her very easy to listen to. She does an awesome job!
Fabulous! Instructor made me feel as an equal – which was delightful. Super friendly and passionate.
Vashti is a natural teacher – very organized and clear!
About Vashti Braha
I. Love. Teaching. Crochet.
As of 2004, I’m a full-time professional crochet thinker and tinkerer. I produce industry-standard crochet patterns, classes, articles, and other materials to promote crochet as many things: an art, hobby, learning tool, and practical medium. If I were you, I’d sign up for my newsletter because I try to write about what I don’t see others writing about crochet.
At least one of these photos was taken by Doris Chan at the Chain Link Conference fashion show, 2010, Manchester New Hampshire. View full size.
Found these photos I’d forgotten about! They was taken at a crochet conference in 2010. I’m modeling the Tunisian Weightless Wrap because it won an award in the CGOA Design Contest.
The Weightless Wrap is the inspiration for one of my longest running crochet classes on Tunisian eyelet meshes. I’ve just completed the 2016 class resource page for it–that’s how I found these photos again.
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