Blog it to Do it? It’s Working!
I’m already seeing that blogging these 50 steps in 50 days helps me do them sooner. Here’s one: filling out special event forms. A few months before every CGOA conference, decisions must be made about fun opportunities. There’s probably a form for it.
DONE: Forms for Teachers and for General Attendees.
All CGOA members are encouraged to enter something in the design competition and in the fashion show. The fashion show takes place during the big gala banquet at the end of the conference. There’s a simple form for that. (Of course attendees also need to fill out the registration form for classes and special events. Reserve this year’s commemorative pin! It’s only $5.)
CGOA teachers filled out most teaching forms back in the fall when they submitted class topic proposals. Other than that, teachers need to:
- Make sure they’ve registered for the fashion show banquet.
- Look for the email with the deadline for shipping class materials to what address.
I’m up to date here.
HALF DONE: CGOA Forms for Exhibitors.
I found out last year when I had my first show booth that exhibitors receive two packets of forms and information (in PDF format). The first packet comes from the CGOA staff and the other one comes from the hotel/convention center management. Each usually has handy check off lists.
(Pictured: In this 2015 photo I’m wearing the exhibitor badge that I filled out a form for again this year.)
Last year I read all of the fine print. ALL of it. This year I only need to skim it. I don’t feel overwhelmed with all the information, choices, and deadlines this time. I still have decisions but not the detail overload. It’s easier to prioritize.
I’ve received the first of these two packets so far. The Exhibitor Badge Order Form is the most important one in it. DONE well before the June 15 deadline! And so happy to be able to list Doris Chan and my husband as two of my seven fabulous helpers to receive badges.
Printed out the Grand Prize Donation Form so that I can mull it over. That’s it! If I don’t get to the rest of the first packet (advertising options, etc.) it’s ok.

[If you need more information about attending, teaching, or exhibiting at this event, email [email protected] or call 740.452.4541 .]