At left is my public conference calendar (orange). My private conference cal (purple) is on the right. The print window is open on the left and I’ve selected “Landscape”. As we get closer to July 13, I may find more items to schedule.
This year I created a public, sync-able CGOA Conference calendar. Anyone can add it to their own calendar if they’re using Google Calendar, or an application that supports the iCal format (iCal link is at the end of this post).
For years I’ve used a private version of this. It’s so handy! Besides using it on a mobile calendar app, I print it out and depend on it heavily at the conference. It comes home with important notes written all over it. (In case you don’t know, the CGOA conferences are as important for professional crocheters as for hobbyists.)
You Can “Subscribe” to it
Conference attendees can easily merge this calendar with their own calendar. If you use Google Calendar, look on the left for “Other Calendars”. Search “CGOA Conference” or use the link in this post (above). Check the box next to it to add its events to your own calendar. Any new items I add to the calendar will automatically update on your app if you “subscribe” to this calendar.
Print your CGOA Conference calendar like I do
I’m using Google Calendar. First make sure you’re in the month of July 2016. Then:
- If your calendar is not in a weekly format already, click “Week” along the top. Click “Wed.” to start the week at July 13.
- Then click the “5 Days” tab along the top so that the 5 days starts with Wed the 13th.
- Click the “More” tab in the top right and select “Print”. Once the print window opens up, find the drop down menu for Orientation and choose Landscape. Then click “Print” at the bottom. (see my screenshot).