Fresh Off the Hook: a Tunisian Extended Stitch Ripple
I swatched these for the Steeking Tunisian Lace class out of curiosity and as interesting visual aids. The Tunisian extended stitch can do some very inspiring things, and it’s fun to steek (cut holes into it).
Imagine steeking this one…I’m seeing a lovely sleeve cap…
Ok, this only sort of counts as class prep on this 6th day of 50 conference prep days. It’s not strictly essential to finishing the class handout, but now I might get design ideas from it in other spare moments. Class prep always generates lots of new design ideas. I revel in this.
My son had a band concert last night so I swatched the white one on the left while waiting for the concert to begin. I’ve been meaning to try a Tunisian extended stitch ripple ever since I wrote newsletter #49 in 2013.
How did you do the Tunisian extended Ripple?
Hi Barbara, the increases of the ripple are done on the forward pass, and the decreases are done on the return pass. Like non-Tunisian crochet ripples, you have to be careful with counting to keep the increases and decreases (or hills and valleys as I think of them) of the current row lined up with the rows below.
[…] And see this May 2016 blog post: Tunisian Ripple https://www.designingvashti.com/tunisian-extended-stitch/ […]