Updated on 7/18/18. View the above image full size. This is a conveniently clickable group of things I mention in 21st Century Love Knot Adventures classes. I teach the next one on July 25, 2018 in Portland OR. See student feedback. I show a huge amount of published and unpublished crochet designs in this class and I try new love knots for each class! Each illustrates the stitches and techniques learned. — Vashti Braha
Thinking of signing up for this class? I wrote the Crochet Class in a Vest blog post with you in mind.
21st Century Love Knot Adventures
In crochet, the Love Knot is also known as Lover’s Knots and Solomon’s Knots. Before 1950 it was most commonly known as “Knot Stitch” and occasionally “Hail Stone Stitch.”
Downloadable Love Knot Crochet Patterns
- Lovelace Ring Scarf pattern. Recommended blog post.
- Lovebud Vines (jewelry component) is part of the Candied Color Charms pattern set.
- Electra Love Knot Wrap pattern. Recommended blog post.
- Fish Lips Lace Scarf to Shrug pattern.
- Sister Act: Convertible Love Knot Shawl and Shrug pattern info. Recommended blog post.
- Buffalo Knot Belt is my tie-belt version of a basic Love Knot Foundation. Free downloadable pattern.
- Sparkle Love Knot Lariat is a simple beaded jewelry cord. Pattern.
- Lovepod Boa features a “Lovepod” stitch variation: pattern.
- Embracelet is one of my first love knot designs. A free blogged pattern here. Also see this tutorial!
Vashti’s Forthcoming Love Knot Patterns
As of 7/18/18.
- Yveline features a new use for love knots: surface crochet embellishments! (Link goes to 6/15/18 blog post “First Look: Yveline, a Tunisian Wrap”.)
- Flowerfall is the result of several different love knot mastery skills, intended for display in the 2018 class. (Link goes to 4/23/18 blog post “A Crochet Class in a Vest”. Also see “Flowerfall Vest Update”.)
Crochet Inspirations Newsletter Archive
Love knots serve as important examples for several different newsletter topics!
- #39, Love Knots Old and New
- #40, Why Not Pull Up a Long Loop? (love knot lookalikes)
- #51, Lacy Seams (features Fish Lips Convertible Shrug and Doris Chan‘s love knot skirt.)
- #57, Which Beads Which Way?
- #58, About That Bump in the Chain
- #62, Hexagonal Lace Types
- #70, Starting a Stitch With a Backtrack
- #92, The Crocheter’s Option: Clever Substitutions
Online Love Knot Collections
- Recommended: my Love Knots Old & New Pinterest board.
- All of my crochet Love Knot projects in Ravelry (a self-updating collection). Make sure you’re logged in to Ravelry to see them all.
- A Crochet Love Knots Gallery I created in Flickr back in 2012.
- Fun! These are self-updating search results in Ravelry. All patterns with lovers knot/solomon’s knot in order of the most recently published first (437 patterns as of 4/05/18; it was 385 patterns as of 5/31/16). Here are search results for all love knot projects in order of most favorited first.
Love Knot How-To’s
- Recommended! I updated and expanded the first two parts of this 3-part how-to post at my older blog.
- Annies Attic how to with video
- ARNie’s http://www.chezcrochet.com/page35.html
Any Books on Crocheting Love Knots?
Yes! Jenny King wrote one: Crochet with Love Knots (Annie’s Crochet 2014).
Non-English Terms (notes)
- Portuguese: Ponto segredo = solomon’s knot.
- Ponto fantasia? “ponto fantasia em croche” (fantasy point)
- Interesting baby jacket with picot fans: https://falandodecrochet.blogspot.com/2010/03/capinha-de-croche-para-bebe-crochet.html
- “Arrem. Juntos“? (arrem. together)
- Spanish: “alargar el anillo” = “elongated loop, too general? (Broomstick lace and motifs too.)
- Love knot tutorial “punto loco de tejido“?
- Turkish: Oya
Beaded Love Knots
- Bead Biz has a handy reference chart on pairing beads with yarn weights. (She will also have a market booth at the 2018 Chain Link conference in Portland, OR!)
- Below is a screenshot of Vashti’s beaded Love Knot projects in Ravelry as of 4/05/18. View full size.
- https://www.flickr.com/photos/elainegreycats/3651519955/
- https://www.flickr.com/photos/elainegreycats/3651521983/
- https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/sambuca-cord-necklace
Love Knot Links Miscellany
Older sources were first compiled for the 2012 class. All links work as of 4/05/18.
- Two edging patterns were originally printed in the book Ripple Sweaters, Yokes & Edgings by Adeline Cordet in the year 1920 (now in the public domain).
- 2010 https://www.crochetspot.com/crochet-pattern-lovers-knot-loop-scarf/
- 2011 https://www.crochetspot.com/crochet-pattern-faux-drop-stitch-scarf/
- Nice collage! https://www.crochetconcupiscence.com/2011/09/etsy-crochet-collage-lovers-knots/
- 1943 Lover’s Knot Shawl Crochet Pattern http://www.annalaia.com/1943LoversKnotShawlFascinator.html
- Scroll down a bit: http://mcinva-roomontheleft.blogspot.com/2011/05/no-ufos-here.html
- James Walters’ Solomon’s Knot window hanging http://www.crochet.nu/scjwc/work/hangings/index.html. Excerpt: Only Solomon’s Knots show you how the yarn will behave when the individual strands within a stitch are allowed to separate and drape – some want to tension themselves like fine hair-springs from old watches, others are more squidgy and dribbly, and some, if they’re long enough and completely relaxed, will twiddle up into cork-screws.
- Remarkable and unique shawl by Rachel Choi! https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/the-yuet-shawl
- Teresa Richardson baby dress pattern: https://crochet-mania.blogspot.com/2008/07/blog-post_22.html Her video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8us27gcOPD4 And her ‘knot stitch hat cover’ https://crochet-mania.blogspot.com/2009/05/knot-stitch-hat-cover.html
[…] I’ve been creating one crochet class resource page per topic since 2012 when I started teaching three-hour classes at CGOA conferences. Teaching at a conference is not the same as teaching in a yarn shop (in so many ways! That’s a future blog post). Below are three new images I added to the 21st Century Love Knot Adventures page. […]
[…] Century Love Knot Meshes: Click here for its resource page of links. Click here for the CGOA […]
[…] been on my mind to incorporate love knots into Tunisian crochet since teaching the first Love Knots Adventures class in 2012. I don’t mean a few rows of love knot mesh alternated with a few rows of […]
[…] photo above) for CGOA classes I would be teaching: A Star Stitch for Every Purpose (3 hours) and 21st Century Love Knot Adventures (3 hours). Back then I had to set it aside due to stitch compatibility problems. You might be able […]
[…] Love Knot Crochet Class Resources […]
[…] first did this in 2012 with the 21st Century Love Knots handout. It helped immensely. When I pass around items, someone will ask, “Is the information […]